The Road to Ottawa... 25 Scriptures & Other Stories

Published 28 days ago • 3 min read

The Centre Block of the Parliament Buildings is still under renovations.

This is what it looked like at 6.52pm on April 18th 2024... complete with cloudy skies.

When you go to Ottawa, you may not be able to see the windows up close. You will not be able to actually see the locations of the 25 Scripture Verses... but you will be able to walk up the centre pavement and have as close of a 'close-up' that you can get, given the renovation barriers.

Come With Me To Ottawa!!

Learn about the architect - John A Pearson and lumber baron JR Booth, who have left enduring legacies on Parliament Hill.

John A Pearson

He was the renowned architect who rebuilt the Centre Block after it burnt down in 1916. He paid great attention to detail.

Just look at some of the removal of the elements of the ceilings, the marble sculpture, the woodwork, the windows of the Peace Tower and even the elements of the bells for the carillon.

Watch as many videos as are available on YouTube. The complexity involved in preserving every aspect of every piece of our heritage, boggles the mind. Without modern technology, gigantic structures were erected.

Did you know that he was a Presbyterian who carefully chose every Scripture verse that is found in the Peace Tower, because they held specific meanings in terms of life, death and eternity?

He was actually a soldier in the war too. He collected spent shells from various theatres of war where Canadians died, had them melted and poured into the flooring of the Peace Tower to memorialize every location where Canadians died... Ypres, Somme, Vimy... they're all there.

There's so much to tell about this man. You GOT to read it yourself...

John Rudolphus Booth

This was another Presbyterian whose contribution to Ottawa has been memorialized in the St Andrews Presbyterian Church at the corner of Kent and Wellington Streets. Just check out the stained glass window dedicated to the Booths!

Two other places where his memory lives on are: the Parliament Buildings ESPECIALLY in the magnificent Library of Parliament, and the Booth historic house at 252 Metcalfe Street.

JR Booth got the contract to supply ALL the lumber used for building the Parliament Buildings. The Library of Parliament leaves one speechless with the exquisite woodworking seen in the bookshelves, the carvings on the walls and the patterns in the flooring. You can read about him here.

The Booth historic house is now the Ottawa campus of Trinity Western University - The Laurentian Leadership Centre. And if you play your cards right, you can actually stay at the Booth house in June if you organize a group of friends to visit Ottawa with you.

Sign up for a tour here.

Only the first 2 weeks in June are available right now.

June 6/7 and June 13/14.

And if you just want to find out WHAT happens on the Ottawa Tour, then join us for a Q&A Session tomorrow night, by signing up here.


Stories From France

I am from the West Indies. I have been VERY curious about Canadian History.

I have embarked on a journey to find out what I do not know, so I could better understand some of Canada's social issues.

I wanted to understand WHY the French came to Acadia (NS, NB, PEI) and New France (ON & QUE) to establish settlements.

This led to my first video course called 'The French Connection'.

We have now developed a 'mini course' version of The French Connection, for those who want to learn about God's Providential History in establishing Canada, but do not want to take 10 months to do it.

For 2 weeks in June, 2 days a week, for 1.5 hours, you will have ME, teaching the entire course on a Fast Track.

SO... If you WANT to learn about our Christian History from France check out our STORE to see the lifetime benefits you will receive.

Join the class. Hear fascinating stories. Understand your past.


How much do YOU know about your history from FRANCE?

Take the QUIZ just for fun, and check out how your score can earn you further discounts against the Summer Fast Track.

And even if you do not take the course... JUST TAKE THE QUIZ anyway.

Have some fun. Test your knowledge.


Be inspired! Seek after knowledge.

Soli Deo Gloria


Your Curious Canadian History Buff.

Remember, we are NOT the last word on History. We are a compass pointing you in the right direction. Be a Berean. Do your own research. Follow links. Challenge everything.


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